Someone who helps you sell more, more often and better!
We are committed to help venture investors and entrepreneures find the right mix of market opportunity and customer needs which combine to create profitable businesses. That's it.
There are many ways to build a high technology business that fail. Been there, done that. There are very specific rules that govern whether a business dies, stagnates or moves forward. Join the winners and learn how to take your idea to the next level.
Is it cheap? Hell no! There's no such thing as a free lunch. But can it be an equity play - maybe. If you have something the market needs we may be able to help you. Call us and we'll explore it with you. Your success depends on you. Like Dirty Harry says, "How lucky do you feel today?"
We've worked with companies like Oracle, Apple, Rightworks and Applied Data Research. If you're smaller than them we can probably help you. They were small once too.